Poto keindahan dunia dari mata lensa kamera - April 22, 2015 at 12:11AM

Photo by @petekmuller. A view of the lush, rolling hills of the #Masisi District of eastern Democratic Republic of #Congo. Owing to large numbers of cows kept by communities in Masisi, the district is regionally renowned for its production of artisanal #cheese, known as Masisi or #Goma cheese--which is often described as a milder version of Dutch Gouda. Over the last two decades, the territory has been plagued by cyclical warfare between Congolese government forces and an array of #militia groups. Its remote, underdeveloped and politically volatile nature makes it extremely difficult to govern. Masisi's awe-inspiring beauty makes the violence that occurs there all the more tragic. #Africa #beauty #conflict #war #DRC
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