Poto keindahan dunia dari mata lensa kamera - June 02, 2015 at 05:42AM

This is a picture this of @Lennon_official a #Tamaskin and my former studio manager's dog. @Ideaform has left the building (Parker Feierbach) and is moving to #SaltLakeCity. One reason is that he needs to be more connected to the outdoors, I totally understand that urge. Thanks for the hard work, intelligent conversation and passion for the kind of work I do. You will be missed. I lived just north of SLC 22 years ago. Before I moved to NYC I sold everything, jumped on a Greyhound bus, showed up in the Village with some cloths and a bag of Nikons ready for some adventure. Had I moved my freelance career along before I move east I might still be in that part of the world. Parker, Cherefawn, Lennon & Iro (another dog), travel safe and enjoy the west. @Robertclarkphoto @thephotosociety @natgeo @instituteartist
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