Poto keindahan dunia dari mata lensa kamera - June 21, 2015 at 07:36PM

Photo by @edkashi/@viiphoto: "Constant stop and searches for no reason [have] made the public feel that we are actually under oppression...[people] felt that the police were this Babylon system, just hell-bent on trying to bring down their family, bring down their way of life, or kill their gene." - Cordel Robinson, 21, London, UK. Police #profiling in London impacts immigrants and minorities who must contend with the stigma, legal pressures, and exclusion from society these practices can cause. @opensocietyfoundations presents an exhibition of this work by @edkashi on view at la place de la République in #Paris June 6 – July 12.#egalitetrahie, #quoimagueule @ThePhotoSociety
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