Poto keindahan dunia dari mata lensa kamera - May 03, 2015 at 11:24PM

Photograph by @paulnicklen for @natgeo in Qaanaaq, Greenland. I marveled that these Greenland huskies had energy left to play after a long day of pulling a loaded komatik (sled). We are just off of the sea ice after spending two unforgettable weeks with 10 Inuit hunters and their 140 sled dogs. With @cristinamittermeier, #pristineseas and @sea_legacy. Being in Northwest Greenland was like going back in time. These famous hunters of the high arctic spoke openly about the effects of climate change on their way of life. Their subsistence comes from the sea and the sea ice acts as their highway. Please follow me on @paulnicklen as I post many images from this polar expedition. I shot 42,000 images in two weeks which is a record for me. I feel for my editor, Kathy Moran for having to sort through way too many images. #dogs #pets #huskies #thinktank #gratitude #nature #wildlife #climatechange #climatereality
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