Photograph by @JohnStanmeyer Recently arrived in the post — 1st #iphone created cover on @natgeo magazine, my image of the #WesternWall published on seven (that’s a good number) different foreign language covers last month. This is the Swedish edition cover. It also ran as a cover in Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Greece and Serbia. This image is from a double-page spread inside the December 2014 issue of the magazine for the story, Blessed, Cursed, Claimed, part II of the @OutofEdenWalk project. To see what the entire photograph looks like, visit this link: bit.ly/StanmeyerNatGeoiPhoneCover Personal Note — While this may seem to be a tipping point in photography, I prefer to think it isn’t. Rather, simply an addition or finally an acceptance that a tool is a tool. Consider it this way — when the pen was invented in the 10th century, it didn't mean there would be no other makers of pens to write or draw with. The same with cameras. Today there are a myriad of pen/pencil makers, each making their own unique way of working, rendering with something that is also only a tool. Once all these debates on what is a camera finally subsides (and I hope it is soon!) we should relish on the potential of what we can collectively do with any camera, not questioning what makes a pen, a pen. It’s the novel, letter, drawing or poem that only matters. Keep the passion for communication — that is photography’s greatest purpose. All my best, John Stanmeyer How the Image Was Made: This photograph (only part of it on the cover) consists of eight 6x6 photographs I took using the @Hipstamatic camera in walking sequence along the entire 42-yard (38.4 meter) length of the men’s section of the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Each photograph is slightly laid atop another, presenting the entire length of this historic location while hundreds were praying in the early evening, photographed in April 2014. #BW #B&W #panorama #cover @NatGeoCreative #panorama
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